European Muslims appeal to the world and European leaders, including NATO, USA, EU, Ukraine; CSTO, Russian Federation, Belarus

Sami Adnan
3 min readMar 3, 2022

2 MARCH, 2022

European Muslims appeal to the world and European leaders, including NATO, USA, EU, Ukraine; CSTO, Russian Federation, Belarus.

We, the Muslims of the European continent, are alarmed by the aggravation in relations between the main forces that ensure security in Europe (NATO and CSTO). Today the world has been brought to the brink of potentially the most devastating war since 1945.

Today, Muslims, like no one else, are aware of the bloody price of war. It is the Islamic world that is bleeding, bearing the brunt of interventions and civil strife, deprivation and destruction, broken destinies, destroyed economy — these eternal companions of war.

Millions of Muslims have been expelled from their homes, eking out a refugee existence, as their countries have been unable to recover for decades after the military upheavals. It is certain that the prolonged conflict will sweep away social infrastructure and may sow political chaos to last for decades.

Therefore, securing peace is an absolute imperative. Under no circumstances should we allow Europe to be drawn into madness, that will surpass the two of the world’s most terrifying tragedies with their colossal human losses. In these circumstances of having to wake up to war every day, we should act swiftly and realistically and seek for the most attainable solutions.

We call on the sides of the conflict to stop military actions and act towards reaching fair agreements!

For our part, European Muslims, as an inalienable part of the European society, are ready to contribute to this goal and to devote ourselves and our resources towards achieve these most important tasks. And we conclude our appeal with the traditional Muslim formula, which is so relevant today:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

“Peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you!”


Members of the Board of the European Muslim Forum:

Abdul-Vakhed Niyazov
President of European Muslim Forum
Brussels, Belgium

Sir Iqbal Sacranie OBE
Founding Secretary General, Senior Advisor of the Muslim Council of Britain,
Member of the Board of the European Muslim Forum,
London, UK

Abdul-Wahid Pedersen
Imam of Danish speaking Muslims
President of the Danish Islamic Centre,
Member of the Board of the European Muslim Forum
Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark

Mufti Romas Jakubauskas
Mufti of Lithuania,
Member of the Board of the European Muslim Forum,
Vilnius, Lithuania

Dr. Nader Akkad
Imam of Islamic Centre in Trieste,
Co-President of the International Marian
Muslim Christian Commission in the International Pontifical Academy of Mary,
Member of the Board of the European Muslim Forum
Rome, Italy

Mustafa Cerić, Ph.D.
Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia-Herzegovina
President of the World Bosniak Congress
Member of the Knowledge Board of the European Muslim Forum
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Dr. Karim Ifrak
Director of the French Institute for Academic Studies,
Member of the Board of the European Muslim Forum
Paris, France

Mufti Dr. Umar Al-Qadri
Chair, Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council,
Chief Imam, Islamic Centre Ireland
Member of the Council of the European Muslim Forum,
Dublin, Ireland

Mufti Dr. Mevlüd Dudić
Grand Mufti, President of the Meshihat of the Islamic Community in Serbia,
Member of the Council of the European Muslim Forum
Novi-Pazar, Serbia

Mufti Iusuf Muurat
Mufti of Romania,
Member of the Council of the European Muslim Forum
Constanta (Dobruja region), Romania

Anouar Touimi
President of Danish Council for Relations,
Member of Council of the European Muslim Forum,
Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark

Naim Elghandour
President of Muslim Association of Greece
Athens, Greece

Anna Stamou
Vice President of Muslim Association of Greece
Member of the Council of the European Muslim Forum
Athens, Greece

David Munir
Imam of the Central Mosque of Lisbon,
Member of the Council of the European Muslim Forum,
Lisbon, Portugal

Bader Zina
Founder of Malta Muslim Relations,
Member of the Council of the European Muslim Forum,
Valetta, Malta

