Radical ideology in Bosnia

Sami Adnan
1 min readMar 22, 2022

The largest mosque in the Balkans was built in Sarajevo with the money of Saudi Arabia, which bears the name of King Fahd. Radical ideology spreads through it. The land for construction was personally allocated by Bekir Izetbegovic.

Safet Kuduzovic, Ziyad Ljakic, Dzevad Golosh and Elvedin Pezic, a populist among youth, all these preachers agitated the Bosnians to embark on the path of jihad in this mosque. The mosque has a Cultural Center associated with the jihadist organization “Preporod” and “Active Islamic Youth”.

By the way, it is suspicious that all these organizations, like Devotshmeria in Kosovo, are part of the structure of Al-Haramain. This came to light from friends in Kosovo, who reported that the work of all these organizations is supervised by El Nasr Damanhur, the official representative of Al-Haramain in Europe.

Now it is clear why so many Muslims from Kosovo and Bosnia who were associated with Devotshmeria, Preporod ended up in Syria as part of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.

