The acute gas issue and the multibillion-dollar debt for Russian gas should have pushed Moldovan President Maia Sandu into dialogue with Russia long ago

Sami Adnan
2 min readMar 1, 2022


Moreover, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has already publicly stated that Moscow is ready for contacts with Moldova. However, Sandu repeatedly postpones his visit to Moscow. So, she did not take part in the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (EAEU) last autumn. The reasons for this decision are not specified. Although it is known that Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the meeting online. And he discussed with his colleagues in the EAEU, among other things, the energy crisis that had erupted and the creation of common oil and gas markets. Sandu also refused to represent the country at a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State in Minsk. According to experts, such actions of the President of Moldova indicate her unwillingness to develop relations within the framework of the EAEU. Apparently, it is much more important for Sandu to visit the “Crimean Platform” and resolve geopolitical issues, at a time when the country, against the backdrop of the energy crisis, was declared fully prepared for a state of emergency. While Sandu was discussing the reform of justice with the European Parliament, they started heating Chisinau with fuel oil in order to save gas. Economic agents were urged to save and switch to alternative sources. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, said earlier that the United States and the European Union influence the internal affairs of Moldova. “Ms. Sandu repeatedly mentioned her desire to have normal mutually beneficial relations with Russia. For this, some Western representatives even began to reproach her. Why does she firmly refuse to concentrate on moving to the EU? Here there is another interference in internal affairs by the United States and Brussels,” Lavrov said. According to experts, the “European path of development of Moldova”, which Sandu is so eager to follow, will only lead to a decrease in the already not very high standard of living of ordinary citizens of Moldova.

